Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

God’s boundless generosity is vividly displayed in Exodus 16 when God provided Manna in the Wilderness. God provided Manna, satisfying their hunger, and becoming a symbol of God’s enduring grace and generosity. 

God’s generosity is also reflected in the abundant blessings we enjoy. We are encouraged to be generous with our time, talents, and treasure, in God’s service; we give because we have first received. As we embrace the spirit of Manna, we become conduits of God’s grace, providing for those in need and showing kindness to all, without exception. 

Our 2024 Mission Spending Campaign is also a reflection of God’s generosity. Our focus in past years was primarily on sharing our financial resources, a necessary part of supporting Mission.  In 2022 and 2023, we have recognized and honored contributions of time and talents. In 2024, we are praying that, with the Holy Spirit, all three contributions will define and support our shared Mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. 

Our Mission for 2024 includes the following categories: 

  • Redesigning Committees to better reflect Mission goals 
  • Growing Greater Ministry Opportunities for everyone’s interest and level of involvement 
  • Updating our Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions (infrastructure) 
  • Developing Lay and Professional Roles to Serve Our Mission 

What an exciting time to be part of God’s Church, a “Church Becoming”, at 3rd and Terry Street! 

Enclosed is our 2024 Estimate of Giving.  Commitment Weekend is November 11th and 12th.  We hope that those of us who have Treasure to Share return these estimates with a joyous heart and love for both our fellow members and our wider community. 

**Simply Giving (Vanco) enrollees, please submit a Commitment Card, even if you aren’t making a change. This will greatly benefit your Congregation Council’s budget planning process. 

What an exciting time to be part of God’s church as we continue to prayerfully discern what God is asking his Church to become. 

In God’s Grace, 

Your First Lutheran Church Stewardship Team 
Milenda Powers, Mary Hall, John Oppenlander, Pastor Garrett Struessel