Welcome to the Volunteer Ministry page!

Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. - 1 Peter:10

If you are interested in helping with worship or any other servant leader opportunity,
please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Maria Sutton in the church office (maria.sutton@firstluth.org).

Some of the Many Ways Volunteers Help Out

Weekly Worship

  • Altar Care (candles, colors, clean linens)
  • Communion Assistan
  • Communion Bread Baker
  • Communion Preparation
  • Contact Worship Guests
  • Greeter
  • Prayer List Reader
  • Scripture Reader
  • Restock Children’s Worship Bags
  • Restock Pew Supplies
  • Saturday Song Leader
  • Soundboard Tech
  • Livestream Video Operator & Recorder
  • Usher
  • Van Driver

Congregational Outeach

  • Community Outreach Projects
  • Crayons to Calculators
  • ELCA Missionary Communication
  • Little Free Pantry
  • Lutheran Campus Ministry
  • Lutheran Social Services
  • Outreach United Resource (O.U.R.) Center
  • Refugee Supplies
  • Sky Ranch
  • Fair Trade

Congregational Leadership

  • Congregational Council
  • Nominating Committee
  • Publicize New Programs
  • Saint Vrain Manor Board
  • Synod Voting Member
  • Serving on other standing committees such as the Good Samaritan Committee, Memorial Committee, Ryssby Committee or Stewardship Committee
  • Serving on a One time/Limited Committee or task force such as a hiring committee, or a project task force.

Youth Events

  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Elementary School Group
  • Middle & Senior High School Group
  • One Time Event Helper
  • Event Driver
  • Sunday Doughnut Pick-up


  • Adult Bible Study
  • Adult Bible Study Leader
  • Adult Education Consultant/Speaker
  • Bulletin Boards
  • Confirmation Dinner Help
  • Confirmation Helper (occasional)
  • Confirmation Leader (weekly)
  • Kidfaith (3 Years to 5th grade) Children’s Ministry Leader
  • Kidfaith Children’s Ministry Materials Coordinator
  • Kidfaith Children’s Ministry Worship leader
  • Splash Newsletter (for households with newborns)
  • Sunday School Sub
  • Youth Sunday School Teache
  • Vacation Bible School Helper
  • Vacation Bible School Leader

Building and Grounds

  • Carpentry/Woodworking
  • Electrical
  • Fixer-uppers/General Repairs
  • Gardening
  • Kitchen Cleaning
  • Kitchen Laundry
  • Maintain Church Signs
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Property Stewards
  • Refrigerator Cleaning
  • Spring Cleaning
  • Yard work/mowing

Music and Worship 

  • Brass Angels (Bell Choir
  • Chancel Choir (Youth and Adult Vocal Choir)
  • Accompanists/Service Music Sub
  • Christmas Caroling
  • Seasonal Worship Planning
  • Soloist (vocal or instrumental)
  • Special Concerts

Care and Compassion

  • Care and Compassion visitation
  • Homebound Communion Servers
  • Prayer Chain
  • Family Meal Donations/Meals post Hospital

Congregational Life

  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • "God's Work. Our Hands." Sunday
  • Alternative Giving Fair
  • Art Gallery
  • Easter Breakfast
  • Event Coordinator
  • Event Helper/Decorator
  • Event Photographer
  • Food Preparation for Congregational Meals
  • Funeral Meals (Service to Families)
  • F3 Household Team Member
  • Men’s Breakfast
  • Midsummer Picnic food prep
  • Midsummer Picnic set up/tear down
  • New Membership Events
  • New Member Leader
  • New Member Reception
  • Phone Caller for Special Invitations or Reminders
  • Pot Luck Coordinator
  • Provide Rides to Church Events
  • One Time Event Helper
  • Sunday Doughnut Pick-up
  • Retreat Ministry Leader
  • Ryssby Candlelight Parking
  • Ryssby Candlelight Set-up
  • Ryssby Candlelight Break-down
  • Senior Adults Group
  • Small Group Coordinator
  • Sunday Coffee Host
  • Weekend Camp at Sky Ranch
  • Women’s Bible Stud


  • Financial Advisory Committee
  • Financial Secretary
  • Offering Counter Substitute
  • Treasurer


  • Assemble Bulletins
  • Assemble Newsletters/Mailing
  • I.T. Help
  • Substitute Receptionist