Click the link below to read this week's complete Weekend Reminder:

Saturday, December 28
- 5:30pm - Lessons & Carols Worship
Sunday, December 29
- 9:30am – Lessons & Carols Worship (Livestream)
- 10:45am Sunday School Hour -
- K-5 Sunday School in Room 5 (The Old Fellowship Hall downstairs)
- Middle and High School FLY - Any youth in grades 6-12 are invited to the FLY Room, each Sunday for faith-filled discussions about what is going on in their lives!
- No Adult Sunday School today!
Tuesday, December 31, New Year Eve
- 1:00pm - Staff Meeting in the Fireside Room
Wednesday, January 1, Happy New Year!
Thursday, January 2
- 10:30am - Adult Bible Study - This year’s class will center our attention on the Book of Genesis. Leaders will be Pastor Sally Ponfick & Pastor Garrett Struessel. Lessons will be related to Charles and Ann Hummel’s small called “Genesis: God’s Creative Call.” If you need a book, see Maria.
- 7:00pm-8:30pm – Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Choir loft. Come lift your voices!
Friday, January 3
- 9:30am–11:00am - Prayer Shawl in the Fireside Room. Along with the joy of fellowship, our Prayer Shawl group is called to create shawls for those needing support during celebrations or sorrows. No matter your knitting or crocheting skill level - come, learn, and make a shawl!
Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
- 9:30am – Worship (Livestream)
- 10:45am Sunday School Hour -
- K-5 Sunday School in Room 5 (The Old Fellowship Hall downstairs)
- Middle and High School FLY - Any youth in grades 6-12 are invited to the FLY Room, each Sunday for faith-filled discussions about what is going on in their lives!
- Adult Sunday School in the Fireside Room! Our first class for the year!!