Point of contact: Herb Hergott (info@ryssbychurch.org)

People on the Ryssby Committee have a passion for Ryssby and its history; Ryssby is where this congregation started. We want to sustain the beauty and serenity of the church, cemetery, and grounds, and maintain it as desired place for weddings and memorials.

We host the FELC Mid-summer congregational picnic on the 4th Sunday of June. We also help facilitate seven FELC Christmas candlelight services the second weekend of December.

Ryssbychurch.org provides information for the present operations, and the history.

The Ryssby Committee is comprised of eight committe members, three staff members, a council liason, and a FELC Pastor. Committee members must be a voting FELC Member, and recommended 18 years of age. Two members are approved annually by the congregation at the Annual Meeting for 4-year terms. Three Ryssby staff members are approved by the Ryssby committee; they are employees of FELC who report to the FELC senior Pastor, and Ryssby President. The Council liason is assigned by the congregation council each year. New members receive the Ryssby Committee Bylaws and job descriptions of staff. All members are expected to attend a majority of the meetings and volunteer for activities.