Prayer Shawls are a physical reminder that we love and care for each other. We meet the first Friday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside room. Coffee, conversations and devotions are part of each gathering.

Along with the joy of fellowship, our Prayer Shawl group is called to create shawls for those needing support during celebrations or sorrows. No matter your knitting or crocheting skill level - come, learn, and make a shawl!

Good Sam Committee 5/19/2024 Graduation Celebration. Photo by Tim King

Historical images of our group at work, as well as finished prayer shawls and blessings.

2023 high school graduation blessing photo provided by Tim and Margaret King.

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Blessing for the wearing of the Prayer Shawl
Our shawls are blessed in progress as well as before they are distributed

When you wrap yourself in this shawl, bless yourself - In the name of the Father who loves you, and of the Son who is your brother and friend, and of the Holy Spirit who guides your every step.

Let your body relax in the presence of God within you. Wrapped in the caress of this shawl, spend time with God talking about your life, your blessings and your sorrows, your hopes, your fears.

Wrapped in the shawl, you can rest, making friends with God. 

May God’s grace be upon you as you wear this shawl, warming, comforting, enfolding and embracing you. May this shawl be a safe haven, as a sacred place of security and well-being, sustaining and embracing in good times and in difficult times. May you be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace, and wrapped in love. 


Cannot attend but want to make a shawl?

The Prayer Shawl group recognizes not all knitters or crocheters are able to attend a Friday morning gathering.  Some of us create shawls at home and bring them to church to be blessed and shared.

Donated yarn and knitting needles are available to all shawl creators.

Some common prayer shawl patterns: