Point of contact: Sandy Moore / moorems678@comcast.net / 303-709-6086

Our Purpose

As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirt, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, society and the world.

Proposito: Como comunidad de mujeres creadas aimagen de Dios, Ilamadas a convertirnos en didpilas de Jesucristo, y fortalecidas por el Espiritu Santo, no comprometmos a crecer en la fe, afirmar nuestras dones, apoyarnos las unas a las atrasee neustras respectivas vocaciones, involucrarnos en el ejercido del ministerio y la integridad en la iglesia, la Sociedad, y elm undo.


Women of any age, member or non-member are welcome. The minutes from our meetings go out to all women we have contact information for. I have learned that many women who cannot attend our meetings follow the minutes closely, and respond to the call when volunteers are needed to help with a mission project or event. We generally have between 12-16 women come to the meetings

There is no experience level, hours of service, or materials needed to participate in this group.


The First Lutheran Woman’s organization meets every second Sunday of the month, at 11:30 in the Friendship Center (the Big Room) at 11:30pm. Minutes will be e-mailed to the membership, and also posted on the FLW bulletin board, just outside the Friendship Center, leading into the church building.

"I joined the FLW from the need to learn women’s names I saw in the pews every Sunday, but found hard to remember, because I had no connection. I also wanted to be able to serve in whatever small capacity I could while working full time. My goals were fulfilled and the gaining of female comradery was an added benefit."


Historically, our group began from the joining of existing women’s organizations (Dorcas Society, Rebecca, Esther, Naomi and Ruth Guilds and circles and Branch organizations) under an organized body called the Lutheran Church Women (LCW). When the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America came to be in 1987, the women at First Lutheran Church became the First Lutheran Women’s organization (the FLW).



Today we have several standing sub groups women with various interests can participate in: Touch of Craft (TOC), a sewing group, a quilting group, Prayer circles, Family Services (women who volunteer when families of departed Saints have a memorial reception or church members have some short term needs with post operative care or transportation to medical appointments), and a Prayer Shawl group.

Oktober Fest

Current Board
(2-Year Terms)

President (2022-2024)  Sandy Moore

Secretary (2022-2024)  Sally Campbell

Treasurer (2022-2024)  Amy Ley

Our Mission: Our mission is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.

Nuestra Mission: Mobilizar a mujeres a activar con Valentia en su fee n Jesucristo.

Mission Quilts in the Sanctuary